Booker. This was my favorite of the tire creations by Booker. I was very impressed by the sheer size and magnitude of her pieces and the medium she chose to work with. I can not imagine working with old tires can be very easy.

Norfleet. The genreal consensus of the people I was walking around with was that the added flowers on the side of the cold war photos left something to be desired. Using recycled images from old shows and just basically slapping on flowers that have nothing to do with the original subject matter just doesn't seem to really go. There are rather distracting. I was more drawn to the original images than the more recently printed ones.
I did enjoy also the permeant collection. Of the artists I wrote down I had much difficulty finding their work online.
Abelard Morell - Metropolitan Opera: Romeo and Juliet
Was a beautiful picture of a stage for a play with almost a magic eye checked feel. You had to look at it for a couple of minutes just to figure out what it was.
Arno Rafael Minkkinen - Waiting for snake
A beautiful black and white print of a females back while the rest of her bod is submerged in water.
There were many others but those were some of the few that stood out.
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